Following your Heart’s Truth
This is something that most of would love to be able to claim that we do, but so many times fall short in ways we feel completely powerless over. These are the times that matter the most should we truly wish to experience life differently, not because things aren’t good enough as they are, but merely because the heart is guiding us onwards, deeper and beyond.
It takes a true sincere and devoted listener to hear the murmurs of the heart. Why? Because the mind’s chatter is usually louder, way louder than any noise we’ll ever be exposed to.
In yoga, we learn the art of listening by being with the breath in stillness and in movement. And together with this breath, the heart gets the chance to be heard underneath all the distractions of the mind. As the thoughts arise, the breath easily loosens the grip and we can tune into silence. In this silence, we find the voice of our hearts.
Few things in this world are more magical than hearing, truly hearing ones heart speak. The delicate yet strong song of the “Anahata”, a wellspring of love, joy and compassion, but do we stop there? How easy is it truly to discover your hearts whisper and then never loose touch with it ever again? Must we jump on a mat each time we feel out of alignment? Or is this only the start of a very vast adventure waiting to unfold should we say ‘YES!’ To it…?
Here begins the journey of actually aligning with this source of wisdom and guidance, beginning to embody our truest selves and living in integrity with the ever emanating light of the treasure that is our hearts.
Words by @antoniafridarothschild