How to Limit Stress and Find Ways to Relax


How to Limit Stress and Find Ways to Relax During COVID-19

There’s no doubt that this is a frightening time for all. COVID-19 has brought with it economic and health uncertainties as well as hardship, and these concerns continue to be difficult to bear. 

Managing our fears and anxieties is more challenging when we’re spending more time close to home or limiting our excursions. While these are unprecedented times for us all, there are some ways you can relax and recharge to better deal with the stress we’re all feeling. 

Here are some tension-relieving resources that can help, courtesy of Exhale Yoga Retreats.

Make Self-Care a Priority

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Follow Your Dreams and Join Exhale Yoga Retreats

In this difficult time, it’s crucial that we make our best efforts to manage our stress each day. Whether you’re carving out a special relaxation space in your home, being flexible in your fitness routine, or finding new ways to enjoy yourself, there’s an activity for you that can make your days just a little easier. 


Why is it important to manage mental balance?


Beloved fellow yogis and souls…