
Handstand - Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Adho Mukha Vrksasana/Downward Facing Tree Pose / Handstand

Start with wrist stretches and cartwheels! Learn how to fall out of a handstand safely and with confidence. Then move to the wall, practice getting your foot to the wall and holding for 5-10 breaths as the shoulders build strength.

Start to use less of the wall, little toe taps off the wall to find your center point upside down.

Eventually start practicing handstands in the center of the room, away from the wall. Play with your balance, learning how to fall out is part of it and have fun!

As Patabhi Jois says “Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory”.

- Alignment - Hands shoulder distance apart. Shoulders stacked over wrists, hips over shoulders. Legs together or split, gaze between the hands.

- Modifications - For all precautions, keep one foot on the ground, knee bent & rock on toes. Use the wall for beginners as a “fear catcher.” Cue child’s pose often to rest.

- Benefits - Stimulates Prana in the body. Gets the blood flow moving with the “jumping up” action. Builds focus & concentration. Reduces stress with the inversion with blood flow & oxygen to the brain for the Parasympathetic nervous system to be activated.

- Precautions - Wrist, hamstring & shoulder injuries. Pregnant, Moon cycle. High or low blood pressure.

- Preparation - This is a Peak Pose! Build it up with hamstrings stretches, like Ardha Hanuman, Padangusthasana, standing splits & Warrior 3. Open the shoulders with thread the needle, interlaced forward folds, & eagle arms. Do lots of core work, on the back pulses with legs together and split, crunches, dolphin plank and turbo dogs. Counter to this peak pose, child's pose, reclined hero, camel.

Poses that bring the opposite of uplifting & exciting energy, calm the system with forward folds, Janu Sirsasana, forehead to knee, Upavistha Konasana, intense wide legged forward fold & gentle twists, seated or reclined.


Bakasana Kakasana Crow Crane