300hr Yoga Teacher Training Practice Videos

These classes and mantras are here to set you up for success! We have created them to support you physically and mentally before we come together in our 300hr YTT journey.
A daily practice of meditation, pranayama and asana can be medicine for the system, dive in and enjoy!
Hari Om ~ Crystal & Exhale yoga retreats team


Below are some Mantra recordings from Crystal. Please practice chanting these Mantras leading up to the 300hr YTT. You are able to download the file so you can listen and chant along while you are doing a personal yoga practice, cleaning your place or driving in your car.

Mantra: The Guru Mantra
Om Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu
Guru Devo Mahesvara,
Guru sakshat parabrahma
Tasmai shri gurave namaha

I bow to the Divine Guru who inspires birth & creativity.
Guru inspires ongoing growth. Guru inspires the destruction
of ego and illusion, to the divine Guru I bow.

Mantra: Vedic Bija Mantra for Chakras
Om Bhur - muladhara (root) chakra
Om Bhuvah -  svadhisthana (spleen or sacral) chakra
Om Swaha - manipura (solar plexus) chakra
Om Maha - anahata (heart) chakra
Om Jana - vishuddha (throat) chakra
Om Tapa - ajna (third eye) chakra
Om Satyam - sahasrara (crown) chakra

Mantra: The Maha Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

“Evoking Earth, etheric realm and the heavens,
let us bring our minds to dwell in the radiance of the divine Truth,
may that truth inspire our reflections.”

Mantra: Tantric Bija Mantra for Chakras
Lam – muladhara (root) chakra
Vam – svadhisthana (spleen or sacral) chakra
Ram – manipura (solar plexus) chakra
Yam – anahata (heart) chakra
Ham – vishuddha (throat) chakra
Sham – ajna (third eye) chakra (sometimes Om)
Om – sahasrara (crown) chakra (If Ajna is Om, Sahasrara is silent)

Mantra: Ganesha ~ Vakra Tundra Mantra
Vakra Tunda Maha Kaya
Koti Surya Samah Prabha
Nirvighnam Kuru-me Deva
Sarva-karyeshu Sarvada
Om Shri Ganapataye Namaha

“Ganesh, who with his twisted trunk and fat body is like 100,000 suns in brightness. I call you everyday, grant me success always in my work.”

Mantra:  Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
Om triyambakam yajamahai
sugandhim pushtivardhanam
urvarukamiva bandhanan
mrtyor mokshiya mamritat

“We meditate on Shiva,  the Three-eyed one, Knower of past, present and future, Who permeates and nourishes all like a fragrance.
As in due time the stem of the cucumber weakens, and the gourd is freed from the vine, so releases us form attachment to the material, and liberates us into the eternal”

Mantra: Vedic Bhojan for Food
Om Brahmarpanam, Brahma Havir
Brahmagnau Brahmanahutam
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam
Brahmakarma Samadhinah

Brahman (The Vast) is the obligation, Brahman is the offering,
Brahman is the one who offers, Brahman is the sacrificial fire,
Brahman shall be reached by the one who sees Brahman in all things.

Mantra: Surya Namaskar Mantra
English: Adorations to the giver of life

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