
Sirsasana Headstand

Salamba Sirsasana/Supported Headstand /King of the Poses

Build yourself up to be holding a headstand up to 25 breaths, using the wall and then to the middle of the room. Take a child's pose after a headstand and please read precautions, listed below.

- Alignment - Whole body engaged & aligned. Hands interlaced together back of the head, neck is long. Stack shoulders over elbows. Hips over shoulders, and feet over hips. Legs together hugging to the midline, one pointed gaze on the ground.

- Modifications - Never kick up into a headstand! You must be able to have the strength to lift the legs slowly, this will mean you have the core strength to hold the pose safely. Keep one or both legs on the ground. Practice “Teddy bear stand” knees on triceps, unless there is neck injury. Interlaced hands behind the head are more supportive for the neck. Use 3-4 blocks under the shoulders so the head is off the ground and against the wall. Practice against the wall for fear of falling back. Viparita - Karani - laying on the back with legs up the wall is the best for all injuries, pregnancies or on the moon cycle.

- Benefits - Benefits of an inversion; Purifies the blood. Draws oxygen-rich blood to the brain. With the heat of the pose it strengthens the nerves, removing nervous disorders and assists the digestive system by increasing digestive fire. Stimulates the Lymphatic system and removes toxins from the body.

- Precautions -Neck injuries, slipped discs, migraine headaches or severe constipation. Eye or ear surgery or pressure due to sinus infection. Pregnant or on the Moon cycle.

- Preparation/counter - This is a Peak Pose and a counter pose to the whole practice. Students must be able to hold their own weight before lifting the legs. There is no kicking into the headstand, this is very dangerous and be confident to keep your students safe with options if you see this. Prepare with strengthening the shoulders, upper back and core work. Shoulder stretches with cat/cow, interlaced folds, eagle, Gomukhasana arms, Dolphin dog. Stability with plank and dolphin plank. Core work on the back and “turbo dog” variations.


Surya Namaskar B


Bakasana Kakasana Crow Crane