
Surya Namaskar A

Surya Namaskar A

There are three stages in this video of Surya Namaskar A.

A. Modified with focus on alignment.

Practice and teach by speaking out loud a modified Surya Namaskar, with focus on alignment.

By starting from the foundation and giving modifications in the first set you are setting up the students with permission to be gentle on themselves if they need it.

B. Next level with focus on alignment & movement with breath.

Practice and teach by speaking out loud with focus on alignment & cueing movement with breath.

C. Strongest variation with focus on general form, cueing breathing & Sanskrit after English.

Practice and teach by speaking out loud with focus on general form, cueing breathing & Sanskrit after English.

*This is assuming you have taught a few modified versions with focus on the alignment and are building up to this variation of general form, breath focus and sanskrit for the rest of class.


Traditional Surya Namaskar with Mantra


Surya Namaskar B